Expect the Unexpected

personal works

Expect the Unexpected
(Series of 8)
Collage and gold leaf on cold press paper

This collage series dissects images of women at ante-natal classes from 'Childbirth Without Fear' by Grantly Dick Read, 1957 (first published 1942), one of the founding books on the natural birth movement, with images from 'A Challenge of the Stars: A Forecast of the Future Exploration of the Universe' by Patrick Moore and David A Hardy, 1972, a highly illustrated book on the future of space travel and developments. 

Bringing these two dichotomies together through collage - an act in itself of splicing, curation, decision making and experimentation - the pieces speak to the huge expectations of birth alongside the hopeful possibilities of space exploration. The feminine and masculine associations with both subjects brought together on the same page - the anonymised women featured could be seen as part goddess, part alien, concurrently isolated, misunderstood and powerful. 


An image from this series was featured in Spilt Milk Gallery's online exhibition and printed zine, Cut, Torn and Mended and is available to purchase through Spilt Milk Gallery here.

Cut, Torn & Mended presents an opportunity to celebrate the contributions of (m)others to the collage community and allows us to see the diverse ways in which contemporary artists use collage in their practices. Through the process of cutting, tearing and mending, we are able to offer space for multiple vantage points, emotions, and experiences to co-exist and to come together in the spirit of community, and hope.

Exhibiting Artists:

Adele Annett, Amy Whiten, Alexa Mazzarello, Alexandra Kiss, Ashley Fotheringham, Beverley Hood, Diana Salomon, Ellie Shipman, Emily YCL, Jan Ferguson, Jennifer Milarski-Stermsek, Jessie McNeil, Jodie house, Kate Cameron Reid, Kate Marsden, Kathryn Rodrigues, Kim Hopson, Kirsty Whiten, Lauren, Evans, Lynn Murphy, Megan Jacobs, Montserrat Serra Nonell, Rebecca Clouâtre, Sally Butcher, Sana Burney, Sarah Shotts, Sharon Lee Hart, Sheree Mack, Twiggy Boyer, Yagama

To accompany the online exhibition, we are producing a limited number of printed zines featuring all thirty artists along with a new essay by Lauren McLaughlin exploring the contributions of women and (m)others to the collage movement. Each zine will also include high quality printed copy of the ‘Spilt Milk’ cut-out sheet to encourage you make your own collage inspired by the exhibition.